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Ep 33 Writing Works Wonders – Public Speaking & Audio Prompting Workshop

Ep 33 Writing Works Wonders – Public Speaking & Audio Prompting Workshop

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Show Notes, Episode 33, Audio Prompting – Ann Chiappetta

Co-hosts: Cheryl McNeil Fisher and Kathy King**

Public speaking workshop!! Do you speak from notes, but have difficulty seeing them? Join this workshop for reading aloud with audio support. Our guest, Annie Chiappetta, demonstrates and coaches us in “Audio Prompting” technique. She describes in detail how she uses audio prompting — how she prepares her material, and the steps she goes through as she reads it to an audience. You will then hear others explain their process, read aloud their material and receive feedback on how to improve. Questions and discussion abound as the participants explore the many applications of this technique in different venues. Truly a rich learning experience and resource for people of all visual acuity‘s, sighted and visually impaired alike.

Please visit our dedicated Audio Promptimg webpage for the prior episode and to download the practice materials

About Ann Chiappetta
“Making meaningful connections with others through writing”. Since 1998, Ann’s poems, creative nonfiction, essays and fiction have appeared in print journals, online magazines, blogs and small press reviews. Because listening to a story or poem is reading with one’s ears, Ann strives to produce all her writing in audio for people with print disabilities, including performance poetry podcast interviews and informational presentations. Ann lives in New York’s historic and beautiful lower Hudson valley and continues to develop a mutually beneficial relationship with her assistive technology.

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Cheryl McNeil Fisher – Author, Keynote Speaker, Educator and Coach. Seminars and Workshops Adults and Children. Submit your work for publication on our site. Guest blogging, poetry, short stories at:

Dr. Kathleen P. King– Author, Author Coach, Speaker & Professor (Ret.). Interested in technology and adult learning? Check out Dr. King’s newest book from Wiley:

We are proud to be hosted by ACB Community, streamed live on ACB MEDIA Channel 5, and rebroadcasted on Internet radio station!

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