Fiction stories and books

Fiction stories and books

Science Fiction Stories and Books

Kathleen P King & Seamus King


silhouette of person standing on rock formation during sunsetMission Date

Terra time, spring, 2023

Co-authors, Kathy and Seamus are busy at work, spinning the yarns and mastering the universe as we write short stories in a novel regarding the escapades of intergalactic explorer, Dr. Brigit McCabe, and her multi-species crew.

This is a different kind of science fiction – a throwback to the wonder-stories of Kathy’s childhood. You’ll find your beloved aliens mixing with humans, but also humor, mystery, and adventure rolled in with a lot of science among the stars.

Watch this space for all the news related to this exciting new series.


Kathleen P King
and Seamus King

Co-authors, Science Fiction


Mission Date

Terra time,June 2023

One, two, three,   Blastoff!

Co-authors Kathy and Seamus  King have launched a science fiction  short story and novel out into the Intergalactic publishing world. It is the next step in the process of bringing our Science Fiction collaboration to publication. Join us in sending positive interstellar vibes for all success in this endeavor!

Check back to this website for updates on our progress


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