Dr. King Heads to Texas- March 2018

Dr. King has teamed up with Textbook and Academic Authors (www.TAAonline.net) to provide faculty writing workshops in USA colleges and universities.
Having been to Rochester Institute of Technology and Florida Gulf Coast University in 2017, she heads towards the West again to Texas Women’s University in March 2018.
At TWU , Dr. King will be facilitating an advanced workshop entitled, “Discovering How to Deliver What Editors and Publishers Need: Demystifying the Academic Writing and Publishing Process.”
In this session, she pulls back the curtain on the sometimes mystifying process of publishing. Dr. King provides a practical, dynamic, and interactive workshop focused on improving faculty writing and publication rates.
“Kathy” is uniquely qualified to reveal the key strategies needed due to her 15+ years as a journal and book editor, faculty coach, faculty development expert, and professor of doctoral students. This revelation-packed workshop not only includes specific insights, strategies, and approaches, but also guides participants to address their productivity needs with new understanding and goals.
For more details and to learn about this opportunity which TAA provides for subsidized , exceptional faculty workshops at TAA workshops.
Dr. King can also be contacted directly through her consulting team, Transformation Education LLC for special keynote events and workshops on a variety of topics.