Dr. King’s Newest Technology Book

Technology and Innovation in Adult Learning equips practitioners to further adult learning and shape the future of the field, while providing a rich perspective for classroom inquiry and research.
“If you teach adults and are thinking about, or are currently using digital tools with your learners, this book is for you. King has done it again! “
Kathy Peno, Ph.D., Professor of Education, Adult Education, University of Rhode Island
Adult learning is on the rise, and there is no mistaking technology’s role; whether they’re learning with or about technology, today’s adult learners come with unique sets of needs and skills that demand specialized approaches. Traditional pedagogical techniques don’t transfer directly, and learning technology requires its own unique approach to development and use.
A comprehensive exploration of technology’s role in adult learning
Technology and Innovation in Adult Learning introduces educators and students to the intersection of adult learning and the growing technological revolution.
Anyone working today with adult learners in this rapidly evolving digital age will benefit from Technology and Innovation in Adult Learning. With twenty years of pioneering the discourse on integrating technology in adult learning and teaching, Kathy King brings a cutting edge understanding to this book.
Roger Hiemstra, Professor Emeritus, Syracuse University
Building on current trends and research in technology and its use, each chapter illustrates the need, opportunities, and examples of current and future technologies that scaffold adult learning, and provides comprehensive coverage of both current and emerging challenges.
Uniquely integrating adult learning and technology for global and digital learners, Technology Innovation in Adult Learning is a timely, comprehensive, theory/model based and strategies/discussion rich book. Kathy King’s distinctive expertise and years of research and teaching in both adult learning and technology fields provides readers not only with a wide angle to view a new vista of applying learning theories for adult lifelong learning needs, but also with applicable use of instructional technology tools and examples. .. It is a must-have reference book for anyone who works with adult learners in formal, informal, and non-formal learning environments.
Dr. Qi Sun, Associate Professor, Program Coordinator of Adult Learning & Adult Education; Co-Editor, Adult Education Quarterly (AEQ), The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Written by an internationally recognized expert in the field, Dr. King’s book explores the theory, research, and practice driving innovation in both adult learning and learning technology, and illuminates a powerful approach to recognize and leverage these opportunities.
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