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Tag: Workshops

Zoom and Podcast for Authors

Zoom and Podcast for Authors

LOGO FOR Writing Works Wonders PodcastAuthors, Dr. Kathy King and Cheryl McNeill Fisher  return  on Friday April 23, 2021 to ACB RADIO COMMUNITY for another vibrant edition of “Writing Works Wonders.” They co-facilitate and lead this session for new and experienced authors via American Council of the Blind’s zoom/call/podcast on the ACB Radio Community channel.

This week’s discussion and activities continue to focus on developing and enhancing  characters in our writing projects.  This session will not be a traditional workshop Listen in for the innovations.

Transformation Education has inside news about the Writing Works Wonders series: it will soon be available via your favorite podcast listening program or on the web!

The podcasts/workshops are valuable for all authors, but are especially designed with the needs of writers who have visual impairments in mind.Both Kathy and Cheryl are accomplished authors who have visual impairments and are members of the ACB community.

Episodes will be posted on this site as well as at the podcast website.

Contact Details

Please contact Dr King with any questions or suggestions about this series or other workshops.

Dr King
Podcast email
Podcast website

2021- Mini-Writing Sessions

2021- Mini-Writing Sessions

Dr. Kathy King joins host and author Cheryl McNeill Fisher on the “Writing Works Wonders” call for American Council of the Blind’s ACB Radio Community channel Friday April 17, 2021. The sessions have been offered for several months, and include a wide variety of topics including author interviews, writing mini-workshops, and more.

ACB LOGOThe sessions are especially designed and focused on the needs of writers who have visual impairments. Both Kathy and Cheryl are accomplished authors who have visual impairments. They are also members of the ACB community.

Once the recordings are available for download, they will be shared on this website as well.



Capturing Success for Faculty In Dallas Texas

Capturing Success for Faculty In Dallas Texas

Dr King Speaking to FacultyMarch 23, 2018 TWU faculty gained new ground in their writing and publishing quests because The Center for Faculty Excellence at Texas Women’s University (, partnered with Textbook and Academic Authors (TAA) to host Dr. Kathleen P. King’s dynamic workshop.

“Discovering How to Deliver What Editors and Publishers Need” is the advanced three hour writing workshop she facilitated. Faculty responses to the working sessions included:

  • “Dr King is authentic and speaks to the real needs of faculty with confidence, authority and humor.”
  • “What fun! Dr. King incorporates participant questions and stays on track  all the while illustrating her points with fun stories.”
  • “I am re-energized and have specific steps to work on my next several publishing projects.”
  • “Thank you again Dr. King for working with us and giving us valuable information and advice. We are excited about making goals and holding each other accountable to finish our publications. In fact, we have already jumped in and are making progress in forming goals.”

Dr. King can work with your faculty! Learn more about how TAA assists higher education institutions  in hosting faculty events to overcome writing roadblocks and realize publishing potential.

  • “She is one of a kind. I have never experienced a presenter effectively connect with faculty needs like Dr King”
  • “You know she really cares about us and has been in our situation. Dr. King knows how to be successful in writing and the tenure track race.”

3 Faculty Introducing TAA Association
Introducing TAA workshop

For more information about these workshops

Dr. King Heads to Texas- March 2018

Dr. King Heads to Texas- March 2018

Dr King photo
Dr. Kathleen P. King

Dr. King has teamed up with Textbook and Academic Authors  ( to provide faculty writing workshops in USA colleges and universities.

Having been to Rochester Institute of Technology and Florida Gulf Coast University in 2017, she heads towards the West again to Texas Women’s University in March 2018.

At TWU , Dr. King will be facilitating an advanced workshop entitled,  “Discovering How to Deliver What Editors and Publishers Need: Demystifying the Academic Writing and Publishing Process.”

In this session, she pulls back the curtain on the sometimes mystifying process of publishing. Dr. King provides a practical, dynamic, and interactive workshop focused on improving faculty writing and publication rates.

“Kathy” is uniquely qualified to reveal the key strategies needed due to her 15+ years as a journal and book editor, faculty coach, faculty development expert, and professor of doctoral students. This revelation-packed workshop not only includes specific insights, strategies, and approaches, but also guides participants to address their productivity needs with new understanding and goals.

For more details and to learn about this opportunity which TAA provides for subsidized , exceptional faculty workshops at TAA workshops.

Screen shot from TAAonline,net website

Dr. King can also be contacted directly through her consulting team, Transformation Education LLC for special keynote events and workshops on a variety of topics.

Faculty Workshop in New York

Faculty Workshop in New York

In October 2017, Dr. Kathy King will conduct an extended 3  hour faculty writing workshop in Rochester NY.

Photo of person with computer

If specific conditions are fulfilled, funding to reduce the costs to your college or university to support such workshops may be available from an outside source.

This interactive and practical workshop introduces Dr. Kathleen P. King’s proven and powerful strategies to infuse new approaches and success into faculty’s writing skills and publishing records. Gleaned from over 15 years of coaching and teaching faculty and doctoral students, this motivating and informative workshop includes specific techniques, strategies and templates to accelerate faculty writing productivity. In this workshop, we will re-examine and transform key writing practices as well as chart a personalized, focused publishing agenda and plan.

The session meets the needs of faculty across a wide range of skills and expertise. “Kathy” works with the faculty to develop a foundation for ramping up academic writing productivity, improving manuscript acceptance rates, tapping the power of technology tools to improve writing and editing, and maximize the benefits of writing with others, near and far.

Contact TELLC to discuss hosting one of Dr. King’s many workshops on your campus and funding options.


Click here for flyer


Grant Supports Faculty Writing Workshops

Grant Supports Faculty Writing Workshops

Textbook and Academic Authors Association has funded several of Dr. King’s faculty writing and publishing workshops through a special grant. Recent workshops have included Florida Gulfcoast University, Fort Meyers, FL, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV, and others.

Popular title: Advance Your Academic Writing Skills and Publishing Record: Tips, Tricks and the Secret Sauce 

These 3 hour workshops are specifically crafted to guide faculty in overcoming the challenges they face and utilize King’s well-honed strategies for publishing success.

The Textbook & Academic Authors Association (TAA) provides professional development resources, events, and networking opportunities for textbook authors and authors of scholarly journal articles and books. Established in 1987 by math author Mike Keedy, TAA is the only national, nonprofit membership association dedicated solely to assisting textbook and academic authors. TAA’s name was changed from “Text and Academic Authors Association” to “Textbook & Academic Authors Association” in 2016 to offer a clearer identity for TAA in light of the new meaning of “texting” on smart devices today.

TAA offers a wide array of resources and benefits to help you navigate your path to writing success. These benefits include publication grants, webinars, a monthly print newsletter, and a variety of networking opportunities available through CONNECT, TAA’s online member community.

For more details about the workshops and grant funding click here

Watch for additional announcements as new workshops from Dr. King and TAA will be available later in the fall of 2017.