As an award winning author who has published 35 books, Dr. King is also a popular and dynamic writing workshop, keynote and conference speaker.

Kathy is very successful motivating and guiding authors and higher education faculty. Moreover, she is widely recognized for her research, teaching and contributions to education by professional groups such as AERA, ACHE, PODNetwork, TAA, NYACCE and UCEA.
Topics for sessions can be developed based on your specific needs across the following areas or any of her publications
Author Workshops
- Advancing publishing productivity
- Working successfully with editors
- Navigating the publishing maze
- Improving manuscript acceptances
- Cultivating your writing craft
- Weaving diversity into our writing
- Enjoying writing as creativity
- Writing as a transformative process
- Leveraging technology for writing success
Kathy’s Most Recent Books
- Technology and Innovation in Adult Learning (2017)
- 147 Tips for Emerging Scholars (2014 with Cranston)
- Developing and Sustaining Adult Learners (2013 with Boden McGill),
- 21st Century Adult Learning in Our Complex World (2012 with Boden McGill),
- The Professor’s Guide to Taming Technology (2011),
- Handbook of Evolving Research in Transformative Learning (2009),
- Complete list of books and publications,
- Ordering books by Dr. King.
Her professional presentations and associations also span the National Speakers Association, ASHE, NASPA, AAHE, AERA, AAACE, AERC, FLDA, ISTE, Educause, WE LEARN, Textbook and Academic Authors Assoc. (TAA), ASJA, and numerous international conferences and congresses.
Contact us to discuss your learning needs KPKING (at) Transformationed.com